Dear ADENA Partners, today’s case comes from the government of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. The Secretaría de Educación de Nuevo León (Ministry of Education - shortened to SENL) with the help of our partner JSP Soluciones chose AREC to maintain their work uninterrupted in the face of social distancing restrictions and facilitate sharing of information between the officials.

Following current state and federal regulations, most SENL employees cannot attend work in person and have to participate in the organisation’s activities remotely. Same restrictions apply to affiliated teachers, professors, and staff members. As is the case with numerous other education-related institutions, SENL moved its activities online, and faced a number of disruptive challenges as a result, such as unstable connection, sound and image issues among others. All of them made it hard to maintain high quality standards through conventional means.

Overcoming these challenges required professional AV recording and streaming equipment for e-learning, and it is the reason why JSP Soluciones recommended SENL to choose AREC. To continue their work, SENL created broadcasting rooms. Various AV equipment is installed in these rooms where it is used to fuse captivating media content with practical learning materials. This process is accomplished by AREC LS-300 station with a press of just one button - it takes audio and video from used computers and cameras and records and streams it simultaneously. In terms of image, AREC Auto Tracking Camera CI-T21H and the PTZ Camera CI-21H are used - the former providing precise IR auto-tracking for the speaker, and the latter capturing various points of interest and audience. Moreover, what makes these broadcasting rooms reliable for SENL is the integration of different AV elements and their combined ease of use - all necessary functions of devices like cameras can be controlled from GUI on AREC Media Stations, and in just a few touches staff members can select the ideal media layout to deliver their training or message. Indeed, Walter Araujo, who is the CTO in this organisation, commented that AREC has “a simple and intuitive interface that helps end users even without professional knowledge to create high quality content”.

With AREC, SENL made sure that their teaching standards are upheld and that their work can continue uninterrupted. Is your organisation looking for ways to improve the quality of remote work and education? Contact us at to learn more about how you can use AREC solutions in your case.