In our previous post, we highlighted one of the two new products debuting at the ISE 2025: the 4K-capable, 9-channel Speaker Tracking Station. If you missed it, make sure to read about it here:
This time, let’s unveil our second star of the show: the new two-way AI Translation Station!
Available in a portable version with a built-in touchscreen as well as a standard configuration with multiple video outputs, this device enables seamless communication between speakers of different languages. The station utilises Google’s Speech-to-Text API and supports numerous languages and dialects, making it an ideal fit for hotels, banks, governmental institutions, conference rooms, and other settings where tourists and foreign visitors may require assistance in their language.
The device is defined by its highly convenient design. Users simply select their language and press the microphone icon to start speaking. Their speech is captioned in their language and translated into that of the other speaker, with both languages displayed side by side. If certain words or concepts are unclear, users can select them on the dialogue display and use the keyword image search feature to find related pictures. After the conversation, .txt transcripts in both languages can be saved onto a connected USB flash drive.
Our new device was created to make communication easier, so why not see for yourself how accurate and helpful it is? Book a personal demonstration via the link below and experience the comfort of speaking your language while being fully understood by others.