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Case Study: Rocking with AREC - Recording Drumming Sessions

Dear ADENA Partners, this time we would like to share a rental case study. Using our complete Media Capture System, drummers like Lieh Lin are able to record their sessions and use them for self-training, discussion, and other purposes.

Before he started using AREC, Lieh wasn’t able to properly record his drumming sessions. Preparation could take more than half an hour every time, and post-editing required on every video much longer. That was because of several reasons - for example, video coming from different cameras was not premixed into layouts, and the audio mixer was recorded separately and needed to be mixed with video feeds. It is thus understandable why Lieh was not keen on recording every time. Nonetheless, reviewing recordings is an extremely important and useful learning method, and thus Lieh looked for options to streamline his production.

Fortunately for him, all of his problems were easily solved by AREC. Using a KL-3T Media Station, Lieh mixed two PTZ network cameras CI-T10 and A-TC02 OnyxCam with musical notes from his computer. The Media Station made sure that audio and video were recorded simultaneously, mixed, and matched in every original video source as well, significantly reducing the drummer’s post-editing workload. The station proved convenient for the drummer for other reasons too - it gave him plenty of customisable layout options to arrange his cameras and notes in the video, add his name and title of the song, and control it all through mobile phone, inbuilt touchscreen, and web interface. You can see some of the warmups he did in the two videos below.

Are you also looking for a way to simplify your media creation process? Consult with us at and we will be happy to help you.

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