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ADENA Hack: How to use servers with AREC

All LS and KL models support automatic and manual upload of recordings to FTP and SFTP servers. More recently, however, we have also enabled stations with FW version 2.8 and higher to use NAS as primary storage via NFS or CIFS protocols. To select NAS as your storage, all you need to do is login to the “System Administrator” interface of the station, click on “Storage” and press “Mount” under NAS settings. Fill out the information below, such as IP address, port, and folder destination, and afterwards, press “Apply”. Station will then save videos in the designated folder of your server. While this configuration is recommended only for stable networks, it provides a virtually unlimited storage space for your needs, and thus exemplifies our drive to provide user-friendly devices. If you would like to know more, please contact us at and we will be happy to assist you.

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