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With SpacesGate, no more frontiers!

SpacesGate Media Collaboration System, as follows from its name, connects two different spaces for real-time cooperation and work. It is designed for ease of discussing and sharing ideas, making decisions and improving the workflow in offices, institutions, educational facilities and other environments. With SpacesGate, discussions are no longer limited to the same whiteboard in the same room.

SpacesGate is a complete solution. It comes with an interactive GUI, video communication, as well as recording and streaming functions. Additionally, other features include “Point-to-Point” technology, which secures privacy of users’ conversations and discussions, and HDMI/VGA slots for connection to any video device. Moreover, SpacesGate allows annotation on any kind of content, including video, free selection of video sources by users, changing of video layouts, playback of videos at will, as well as start/stop recording or live-streaming function. Introduction video can be found on the link below: For Spanish Version Click Here For Russian Version Click Here

Please contact your local ADENA Limited representative for more information. Alternatively, you are always welcome to contact us directly for a detailed online presentation. We will be more than happy to show you the full potential of this Media Collaboration System. SpacesGate is already available for order. Time to experience the future.



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